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We are convinced that our Company’s success must be built on responsible and sustainable conduct. This is because right now, we find ourselves at the beginning of a decade that will be decisive in determining whether we, as a global community, will get a handle on global challenges like climate change.

TRATON’s sustainability efforts are built on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations (UN). By aligning our sustainability efforts with these global goals, we want to contribute to the UN’s 2030 Agenda. For TRATON, this means that we want to make a substantial contribution to a more sustainable transportation industry.

Sustainability management and strategy

Sustainability is a firmly established concept within the TRATON GROUP brands: The brands set their priorities, resources, and methods individually in line with their own corporate culture and strategy. TRATON creates an environment in which its brands support each other to learn from their individual strengths and to leverage synergies. The focal point of this dialogue and development process are solutions that help to significantly reduce greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions.

Sustainability function at TRATON reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer and the other Executive Board members via the TRATON Sustainability Board and is responsible for coordinating sustainability management at TRATON.

The TRATON Sustainability Board is led by the Chief Executive Officer of the TRATON GROUP. The TRATON central functions Sustainability and ESG are represented, and each brand is represented by its CEO and Head of Sustainability. The TRATON Sustainability Board gives overall strategic direction, defines ambition level, and decides on strategic focus areas with an impact on sustainability for the TRATON GROUP.

New programs and measures receive their final approval from the TRATON Sustainability Board and at the level of each brand, with the brands solely responsible for their implementation.



“We want a CO₂-neutral future, and to achieve this we are doing much more than just the minimum required of us. Our brands will be drivers of change as we move toward zero-emission transportation solutions.”

Christian Levin CEO TRATON SE

Materiality analysis

Together with the Group brands in 2021, we analyzed which material issues are necessary to understand TRATON’s course of business and the impact of the TRATON GROUP’s activities on the five nonfinancial aspects (environmental matters, employee matters, social matters, combating corruption and bribery, respect for human rights).

As a result of this process, three strategic focus areas were identified that can contribute substantially to transforming the transportation sector and to achieving the SDGs. Each of these strategic focus areas covers material issues that have been identified for TRATON: (1) Decarbonization & Circularity, (2) People & Diversity sowie (3) Governance & Ethics.

Strategic focus areas

Under the purpose “Transforming Transportation Together. For a sustainable world.“ the TRATON GROUP aims to establish sustainability as a core principle and responsible behavior as a top priority in the Group’s strategy.

Transforming the business model and product design to reduce CO2 emissions and resource consumption


TRATON strives to make a contribution to decarbonizing the transportation sector. With a view to achieving holistic decarbonization, the TRATON GROUP brands review and address greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across scopes 1–3.

The TRATON GROUP is fully committed to further reducing GHG emissions from its products in order to reach the targets of the Paris Climate Agreement and to limit global warming to 1.5°C above preindustrial levels. The most prominent lever for TRATON’s contribution to combating climate change is the electrification of its product portfolio. As part of our strategy, we have set ourselves the target of around half of our annual new vehicle sales in the relevant regions (EU27+3 region, USA, and Canada) to be zero-emission vehicles by 2030.

The TRATON GROUP also relies on the idea of circularity. Since a substantial part of industry emissions results from the usage of resources like steel, aluminum, and chemicals, increasing resource efficiency — especially through the recycling of raw materials and the extension of life cycles — will have to play an important role. In 2023, the TRATON GROUP decided to focus on three pillars in the field of circular economy. The key elements are Action, Strategy, and Mindset.

Relevant SDGs for the Decarbonization & Circularity focus area


Promoting a variety of competencies and equal opportunities for employees and partners to increase employer attractiveness and innovative strength


TRATON promotes equal opportunities for everyone. We do not tolerate discrimination on grounds of ethnic or national origin, sex, gender identity, religion, views, age, disability, sexual orientation, skin color, political views, social background, or any other characteristics protected by law. We embrace diversity, actively encourage inclusion, and create an environment that fosters each employee’s individuality in the interests of the Company.

We underpinned our commitment to a diverse and inclusive workforce by signing the Diversity Charter in 2017 and becoming its member in Germany in 2020.

In February 2023, the TRATON GROUP signed a TRATON Diversity & Inclusion commitment. This commitment forms the basis for our cross-brand collaboration with the aim of further improving the workplace culture throughout the entire TRATON GROUP. It describes our common responsibilities, commitments, and actions.

Relevant SDGs for the People & Diversity focus area


Facilitating a transparent, risk-oriented, and fair decision making process that is consistent with the Company’s rights and obligations and generates long-term value for TRATON and its stakeholders


At TRATON, integrity is a cornerstone of our entrepreneurial activities. It forms the basis of the Group’s reputation, for the trust that our customers, business partners, and society place in us, for the well-being of our employees, and for our long-term commercial success. The Code of Conduct for Employees and the Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Business Partners define the ethical principles derived from this.

TRATON aims to act sustainably in its own business operations, as well as in its engagements with third parties. This includes complying with, protecting, and promoting internal regulations safeguarding human rights that are applicable worldwide as fundamental and universally valid guidelines. TRATON updated its Policy Statement on Human Rights in 2023, which reflects TRATON’s commitment and describes the activities that TRATON has implemented for the protection of human rights. The statement is complemented by our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement and by the Report on the LkSG (Supply Chain Due Diligence Act) (in German).

Relevant SDGs for the Governance & Ethics focus area 


Memberships, ratings & rankings


Sustainability ratings provide an independent analysis and an outside-in perspective, thus helping companies to view their own sustainability performance against their peer group. They serve as proof that a company has incorporated the concept of sustainability and also act as the basis for decisions made by customers and investors.

Renowned environmental agency ISS ESG has rewarded TRATON with “Prime” status and a “B-” rating (on a scale of A+ to D–) for its sustainable value creation efforts in the machinery sector (as of July 29, 2024).


In November 2023, TRATON was assessed by the ESG agency Sustainalytics. Sustainalytics classified the risk of ESG factors having a material impact on the company's financial position as “medium”.

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TRATON is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct, human rights, and environmental stewardship. It has developed a comprehensive set of policies and guidelines which reflect the Company's commitment to responsible business practices throughout its operations and supply chain.